OpenRadioss – gamechanger of free Explicit Simulations

OpenRadioss – gamechanger of free Explicit Simulations

Explicit analysis are a technique that helps model fast and intense events by directly solving motion equations step by step. This is especially useful for studying crashes, explosions, and other dynamic processes. OpenRadioss The most well-known and used explicite solvers are: LS-Dyna, Abaqus Explicte, Radioss (Altair) and Autodyne (Ansys). In 2022, Altair decided to release…

PrePoMax – the best open source FEA software?

PrePoMax – the best open source FEA software?

In an article with free FEM packages, I listed three programs worth looking into (link to article): Salome Meca, PrePoMax and Freecad Workbench FEM. In today’s article I will describe the second of these. About PrePoMax PrePoMax is a pre and post processor for the Calculix solver. It has recently become more popular and is…